
This handy guide will tell you everything you need to know to start reading at the second issue. Of course, you could also just start reading and figure things out along the way.
The Duck Avenger
Donald Duck’s superhero alter ego. The Avenger has actually been around for years, fighting crime with the help of Gyro Gearloose's strange inventions.

Donald is usually more focused  and less likely to shoot himself in the foot when he's in his superhero attire - but just underneath that, he's still Donald.

Very recently, Donald's been hired by his uncle scrooge to work in his high-tech sky-scraper, The Ducklair Tower.

One is an Artificial Intelligence. He controls every part of The Ducklair Tower, but no one but his creator (who uncle Scrooge bought the building from) knows he exists.

When The Duck Avenger discovered him by accident, One decided to help him out. One is now a dear ally to the Avenger.

Everett Ducklair
The creator of both One and The Ducklair Tower - and much, much more. The man is a genius, plain and simple.

He left Duckburg when he realized that most things he built ended up being extremely dangerous.

He now lives in a monestary, trying to rid himself of his darker inclinations.

A hostile race of aliens, bent on adding Earth to the list of planets they’ve conquered. They feed off emotions, draining their victims until they become helpless slaves. The slaves are called Cool-Flames, and they are used for menial work by the Evronians.

Their secret invasion of Earth continues, though they have already suffered one defeat at the hands of The Duck Avenger.

Angus Fangus
A low-life reporter who loves a good scandal. He's decided that the hero-angle isn't interesting enough, so he now does everything in his power to convince the world that The Duck Avenger is really a criminal

While investigating The Duck Avenger, he’s also met one Donald Duck. It didn’t take them long to decide they didn’t like each other.

Lyla Lay
A reporter who works alongside Angus. Much more likable, though.

We don't know much about her yet - except that she seems to be immune to the Evronians' emotion-draining weapons.