Thursday, September 30, 2010

PKNA issue 6 - Spores p. 66-72


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Let Disney know that you want to see an official translation of Paperinik New Adventures – here’s how!

Disney has already shown an interest in the characters – Superduck comics are now available in the US, the UK, and Italy through Disney Digicomics! A growing archive of never-before-translated comics are now available. Here’s a brief explanation.

DigiComics for iPod
DigiComics for PSP
A bit of info

Sunday, September 26, 2010

PKNA issue 6 - Spores p. 54-65

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Let Disney know that you want to see an official translation of Paperinik New Adventures – here’s how!

Disney has already shown an interest in the characters – Superduck comics are now available in the US and the UK through Disney Digicomics! A growing archive of never-before-translated comics are now available. Here’s a brief explanation.

DigiComics for iPod
DigiComics for PSP
A bit of info

Thursday, September 23, 2010

PKNA issue 6 - Spores p. 47-53

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Let Disney know that you want to see an official translation of Paperinik New Adventures – here’s how!

Disney has already shown an interest in the characters – Superduck comics are now available in the US and the UK through Disney Digicomics! A growing archive of never-before-translated comics are now available. Here’s a brief explanation.

DigiComics for iPod
DigiComics for PSP
A bit of info

Sunday, September 19, 2010

PKNA issue 6 - Spores p. 40-46

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Let Disney know that you want to see an official translation of Paperinik New Adventures – here’s how!

Disney has already shown an interest in the characters – Superduck comics are now available in the US and the UK through Disney Digicomics! A growing archive of never-before-translated comics are now available. Here’s a brief explanation.

DigiComics for iPod
DigiComics for PSP
A bit of info

Thursday, September 16, 2010

PKNA issue 6 - Spores p. 30-39

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Oh, and I just thought I'd mention this: One of my all-time favorite Mickey Mouse stories, 'Mickey Mouse and the River of Time' is now available on Disney Digicomics.

It's written by Tito Faraci, who also wrote several great issues of PKNA. (Though not any that've been uploaded yet.) The plot sees Mickey and his old enemy Pete reluctantly working together to salvage something from their shared past - that old ship, Steamboat Willie.

So if you're English, American, or an Italian who hasn't read it, go check it out. It's one of the classics.

And if you're NOT English, American, or Italian, go tell Disney to make their DigiComics available in more countries.


Let Disney know that you want to see an official translation of Paperinik New Adventures – here’s how!

Disney has already shown an interest in the characters – Superduck comics are now available in the US and the UK through Disney Digicomics! A growing archive of never-before-translated comics are now available. Here’s a brief explanation.

DigiComics for iPod
DigiComics for PSP
A bit of info

Sunday, September 12, 2010

PKNA issue 6 - Spores p. 22-29

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Let Disney know that you want to see an official translation of Paperinik New Adventures – here’s how!

Disney has already shown an interest in the characters – Superduck comics are now available in the US and the UK through Disney Digicomics! A growing archive of never-before-translated comics are now available. Here’s a brief explanation.

DigiComics for iPod
DigiComics for PSP
A bit of info