Monday, December 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: November

And suddenly it's December! This month on "What kind of cool stuff has Banker been making for us?":

Two different DoubleDuck stories which can be found here!

And another short story that can be found here!

And that, I believe, is that! Have a very merry whatever, and I'll see you guys with another run-down in the new year!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: October

Hey guys! This month's offerings: A bunch of brand new Banker translations!

First up: A four-part DoubleDuck story called "The Olympus Code" - you can find it here!

Secondly: A two-part story called "Pole Position" - which you can find here!

And finally: A horror story with gorgeous art by Bruno Enna, "The Strange Case of Dr. Mickyll and Mr. Hyde" - which you'll find here!

Hope you had a happy Halloween. See ya next month!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: September

August was awfully quiet, but September brings us a big ol' bunch of freshly translated DoubleDuck comics, courtesy of Banker (like always).

First up, two short stories, "The Egg of Rio" and "The Triumph of Love", both of which can be found here!

Next, we've got the three-part "Agent Zero" story, which you can find here!

And another big one, the four-part story "The Machine of the Clouds", which you'll find here!

And finally, a couple of fun little single-page stories that Banker found. You can read them here!



 And hey, here's something I'VE somehow missed, so I guess maybe you have too: After all those classic PKNA characters made their way into the Italian Paperinik Appgrade comics in the alternate universe-reboot that was PK Universo, they didn't just scamper off again - but have been consistently featured in short stories written by PKNA mastermind, Alessandro Sisti. So if you happen to live in or near Italy, that's probably worth checking out.

Meanwhile, if you're German, keep an eye out for "Lustiges Taschenbuch Premium 7" which continues the collection of the PKNA series in German. Yoshi provided all the details in the comment section very succinctly, so I'll just bring his quote up on the front page:

"The next PKNA LTB Premium is coming! In 17.10., the seventh issue titled "Der neue Phantomias greift an" will be released and has issues (German numbering) 9-13, or, counting as in the original italian series, 7-11. All of these stories are rereleases, but as a bonus, there are five more short stories: The remaining Angus Tales and the stories about Trip. Those stories have never been translated to German.

The next Premium issue with PKNA then will have to include a lot more new content, because after this seventh issue, only the main story of issue 14 / 12 (German / Italian) is missing a rerelease, so the next PKNA-Premium should contain issues 15-19 / 13-17 as newly translated main stories.

Too bad that it will probably take another year until we can finally get really new issues. However, every PKNA fan should also buy this issue 7 of LTB Premium to show support for the series!"

 There we go. And that's it for September. See you next month!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: August

So, here's everything that happened in August:

*crickets chirping*

All right, quiet month. If anything's come up, I seem to have missed it entirely. If you're feeling withdrawal symptoms from the amazing dose of new PK we had in July, just go and read that again. Here, I'll even link you.

I'd say everybody involved is allowed to rest on their laurels for a bit. But if you hear anything about what's coming up next, be sure to let us know in the comments section.

See you next month!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: July

So. Big month, huh?

160 pages of brand new, in-continuity Duck Avenger content. Who would have frickin' thought we'd ever see that day?

Hopefully the Italian comics were as resounding a success as they deserve to be. I've done what I could - some friends of my family were going to Italy for the summer, so I've asked them to bring me back as many issues as they could. If anybody learns of some other way of supporting the comics, please let us know in the comments. (I'm currently wondering if the comics can be purchased digitially somehow, if you manage to convince your computer that it's Italian.)

And of course, if you see the new comics being brought to your own country, be sure to mention it in the comments, so we can spread the word.

I suppose that's about all we can do for now. And of course, we're all just itching to read the new comics in a language we actually understand.

Well, Uncle Banker has you covered.

It's a good time to be a PK fan.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The fate of the Ducklair Tower is in your hands!

So, remember when I mentioned that the conclusion of the new Duck Avenger miniseries would be decided by a vote? Well, as it turns out, here's what the vote is going to decide:

(slight spoiler alert for some of the plot)

At some point during the climax of the story, the Duck Avenger will be faced with a choice. Ducklair Tower is under attack. Evronians are everywhere. And there may only be one way to stop them.
The Avenger is in 'The Omega Room', faced with a button that could destroy the Ducklair tower (and presumably the Evronian attackers with it). But does he press the button, BLOWING UP the Ducklair Tower, or does he face the Evronians head on, trying to defend the tower?

YOU CAN VOTE HERE, at least until Monday 14th at 12 pm (Italian time, presumably, which means UTC/GMT+02:00)

The option on the top ("Affrontare gli Evroniani...") means that the Duck Avenger will go and defend the tower.
The option on the bottom ("Premere il bottone...") means that he will press the button and destroy the Ducklair tower.

There used to be a clear majority in favor of defending the tower (which is why I never got around to sharing the story, as it seemed like a foregone conclusion anyway), but now it's suddenly an extremely close race. Probably because the writer Francesco Artibani has been campaigning for pressing the button, saying "Vote for the destruction - you won't regret it!"

So, how do you feel? Does it seem wrong to bring the Ducklair Tower back after so many years, only to immediately blow it up? Or are you excited by the idea of the PKNA universe moving forward instead of dwelling on the past - even if it means destroying one of the most important pieces of the PKNA universe itself?

Go and vote, in any case. I'm still sorry that I didn't share this earlier, but there's still time!

Personally, I'm split as hell. I can certainly appreciate that it is a bold move to press the story forward like that, but... dear god, all my childhood memories!

Oh well. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Duck Avenger Returns! For real! (And also, monhtly run-down for June)

July 2nd. Tomorrow. This is happening.

The one and only true Duck Avenger returns in TOPOLINO #3058, hitting stores in Italy Wednesday! No more alternate universes or reinterpretations - this is an ACTUAL continuation of the story that ended 12 years ago in PKNA/PK2!

It's also a new start and a chance to draw in a new generation of readers, of course, so it's not likely that they'll be picking up EVERY plot thread right from the beginning. But still - these are the same characters, and we're finally gonna see them again for real!

The first few pages have already been released as a preview. And Banker has been nice enough to translate the first one:

Man, it's been a while since I've seen those speech bubbles. Hello, old friend.

This is all part of a four-part mini-series that'll be running each week in the Italian TOPOLINO comics. And I don't know about you, but I'll be finding SOME way to get my hands on a copy of each of these issues. Not only do I want a copy regardless of the language, I also want these comics to do as well as they possibly can - I want more, dammit! Maybe I have friends who'll be vacationing in Italy...

Man, look at this thing. I want it!

There are lots of other details on the subject, but I'm admittedly a bit hazy on them as they all tend to be in Italian. Apparently the conclusion to the tale will be decided by the readers, though what exactly that entails, I haven't managed to find out. You can check out the official (Italian) facebook page for more news.

And if any Italian speakers are able to clarify or better explain anything that I and my semi-broken Italian have missed or misunderstood, feel very welcome to point it out in the comment section. I might make some modifications to this post as needed.



And now: The monthly run-down. Lot's of stuff on this front too.

Let's start with a whole lot of PiKappa comics from Banker:

Five to be exact. Don't say he doesn't spoil ya. Issues 16-17 can be found here! While issues 18-20 can be found here!

He also found the time to do another DoubleDuck comic, which can be found here:

And guess what? So did someone else: Over on Banker's site, Wiiola/rCORNERod has contributed two new DoubleDuck comics:

Here's the first one!

And here's the second one!

And back to physical comics: If you happen to live in Finland, you should check this out:

Aku Ankan Taskukirja (super) No 1 Sankaruus kunniaan

This awesome collection that hit shelves in June collects not only the first issue of Paperinik New Adventures, but also the first issue of Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine. And also some Ultraheroes and a bunch of other stuff. So go check it out and support the series if you can.

And that's about it for this month.

If you've been looking for the officially translated Pikappa comics online but haven't found them, by the way, you might wanna look in the comment section for the last post 'Monthly run-down: May'. I won't put it up here in a main post, but, y'know... I'm just sayin'.

So, lots of exciting stuff to look forward to this month. I'll probably be around a bit more than usual, so if you pick up some more news or important details, please share it in the comment section.

This is gonna be awesome.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Monthly rund-down: May

Okay, guys, there's a bunch of stuff this month. And for those of you who have been praying for more Banker-translated PiKappa... Well, you'll definitely wanna read this message from Banker from one of his posts:

(I'll even highlight the very most important part near the end for you.)
Pikappa. Officially translated as Superduck. The reboot series to PKNA and Pk2. There's 32 comics of this series in total. The first 20 were officially translated into English and could only be acquired through some phone apps in certain parts of the world. In more recent times, the first 13 of these translated issues were added to Comixology and thus available for digital purchase, but  again only available to certain parts of the world.

Because of this stupid fucking shit, not many who've wanted to have been able to read this reboot, as much of a downgrade it is from the original series we love. We are Pkers and we want more PK. There are still many great stories to be found within this series, despite how the overall thing is not just the same, and it sucks how some of you are not able to read'em.

When it comes to Pikappa and the things I do, I have translated the smaller stories from the first 20 issues, as in the official translations only the big stories were covered. I stopped at that point and started considering doing the big stories as well from the 21st issue. Of course, there have been people wanting me to do those that came before that. Natural reasons. And I've given it thought.

All the time I have tried to be cautious and not get in trouble with Disney. Though so far, with everything I've done, that has not happened in anyway. I wanted to avoid translating what was already available. Though it hasn't been very available has it.

And heck, the previous DoubleDuck I did, "Mission Thermal Heart", was already available on Comixology. I was merely taken into consideration the stories published in actual magazines. Which there are scans of available somewhere on the net, for those who are interested. You guys see what you can find!

I can go into Pikappa. But I wont start from the very beginning. Psst. Hear me out. Psst, you guys. Finding these first 13 issues as free downloads is merely a Google search away. I wont post links, but I will tell you it's out there. Everyone can get it if they make the search. If you guys wanna read, you'll have to do that, but psst, you didn't hear it from me. "wink wink"

You guys find'em and read'em. When it comes from the issues starting from 14, I think I will take care of that
. I think I will.

How's that for a solution? Personally I like it a lot. So go out there and use some Google-Fu. Because Banker is nothing if not a man of his word, and he's already the next two Pikappa main stories:

PiKappa #14 - Tourists from Space

PiKappa #15 - The Swarm

What's more, Banker's also got some DoubleDuck for us:

DoubleDuck - Hunters and Prey parts 1-4

DoubleDuck - Secrets on Display

And finally, of course, if you happen to live anywhere near Italy, you should hurry over there to pick up the latest issue of Paperinik Appgrade for the next part of PK Universo! Featuring THIS freaky thing on the cover!


Strange. But cool. I want one.

See you next time!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: April

Well, then. It's been a quiet month. Unless I've missed something, of course, in which case you should feel very free to correct me.

Paperinik Appgrade #19 came out this month, featuring the fourth installment of PK Universo. So go and check that out if you're anything approaching Italian.

It doesn't look like these stories have started making it to other countries yet. Perhaps it is too much to hope that they will, but I'll be keeping an eye out. And make sure to let us know if you ever spot them in your own countries.

And that... would seem to be that. Like I said, quiet month.

Let's see what the next one brings. See you next time!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: March

Another month down. Two interesting things happened in March.

One is that the latest issue of Paperinik Appgrade came out in Italy, featuring the third story of the PK Universo series. I haven't read it myself, but Banker assures me that it's the best one yet, so if you've been considering learning Italian, now's the time to do it.

And speaking of Banker, he's also finished another little something: A 40+ minute motion comic based on the PK2 comic "The Last Hunt". As usual, Banker is only getting better at this, so it is no less impressive than his previous two.

Go check it out, and then tell Banker how awesome he is, either in the comments here or on his own site. (And for the love of God, play it on a nice big screen, not the tiny version that pops up here on the blog.)

I think that's it for this month. If I missed anything, let me know!

See ya next month!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Monthly rundown: February

 EDIT: Oh look, not only did I miss three new Banker translations, I also forgot to mention that the latest issue of Universo PK is out. The details have been filled out below...

Not a whole lot of news this month, but quite a few new translations: Banker has finished another six nine translations of Pikappa bonus stories.

The first three can be found here...

While the next three can be found here.

EDIT: And the final three (which I forgot last time) can be found here.

ALSO EDIT: And of course, February also saw the second part of Universo PK, written by the awesome Tito Faraci and brought in the Italian series Paperinik Appgrade.


That's it for this time, I suppose. Let me know if there's anything I've overlooked. Like always, feel very free to share any links or news in the comment section, and I'll do another monthly round-up next month.

Strength and power!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Monthly run-down: January + December

All right, time for a monthly run-down (which is a thing that I've just decided that we do now)! Here's all the stuff that's been happening for the past month (and a bit - I think we're really stretching back to just before Christmas).

Banker has taken on another series: The Double-Duck stories. If you haven't heard of these, they're a frequently hilarious series of comics casting Donald as a secret agent, with new characters, a bit of an overarching plot and a style that combines the traditional Italian Duck-comic style with a slightly more grown-up kind of humor.

You can find the Banker-translated four-part story by going here. There you'll also find a sexed-up depiction of Tempest Gale in a santa hat that Banker threw up for added festivity. If that's something you've been looking for, today's your lucky day. If you don't wanna be seen ogling Disney characters in their underwear - well, just stop scrolling down after you get to the comics. Banker's got your squeaky-clean Disney entertainment covered as well.

Then there's three new Pikappa stories translated, also by Banker (of course). These you can find by going here.

And then, perhaps most excitedly, something new just hit news-stands in Italy: PK Universo!

PK Universo is essentially an alternate universe-take on the events of the earliest PKNA stories, written by Tito Faraci(!!!!). It combines our well-known characters with a more traditional style, asking the question: What would have happened if the Duck Avenger had never met One, and was forced to take on an alien menace relying only on his old equipment and the aid of Gyro Gearloose. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but it looks pretty sweet, it's awesome to see the PKNA universe get some love again, and come on - Tito Faraci!!!

Now, I'm not sure at all, but this seems like the kind of thing that could realistically show up on Comixology in an English version before TOO long, so it might not be a translation project fit for this blog - we do, after all. pride ourselves on only sharing the gems that Disney seems to have forgotten - but it is definitely exciting to see this is out there, and it promises good things for the future.

I believe that's all for this month - feel free to tell me if there's something I've missed. And if you feel like these blog posts have become far too irregular and undependable (and you'd be right, I have to admit), remember that you can always check the comment section of the latest blog update or see what's happening at Banker's blog. Those two places are where I get the vast majority of my information anyway.

In fact, let's make that the official policy from now on (seeing as it's what we've been doing for ages anyway): Feel free to share and discuss any news or updates in the comment section of this update, and at the end of this month I'll make another run-down of the month's developments. (I might make smaller updates too, if something urgent pops up.)

Till next time - Strength and Power (or whatever)!